7 dead 10 injured in weekend highway toll

7 dead 10 injured in weekend highway toll

DISTRACTED DRIVERS, speeding, and pedestrians avoiding walkovers contributed to a weekend highway death toll, of seven bringing the total for the year to 281.

On Sunday the latest public transit accident, this time involving a Metro Bus. injured 10   of the 15 passengers with one admitted to Hospital Santo Tomas with a fractured neck. The driver reportedly fell asleep. An earlier bus accident was caused when the driver was using a smart phone.

Blood money
Two of the dead were Indigenous high school sisters, aged  15 and 18, run down in Chepo on Saturday, August 26  by the grandson of a former Vice-president. Radio reports on Monday said the family had been approached after the accident and offered money, which they had refused, saying they wanted justice.

The weekend toll brings the highways fatality toll so far this year to 281.