Zooming virus cases slow economy reopening

Phase 3 of the move towards  the  reopening of Panama’ economy will be stalled  for at least another week as  the accumulated number of cases  of COVID-19 ballooned  past 20,000 with 848 new infections confirmed in one day with  5,871 active cases straining medical services.

President Laurentino Cortizo also announced that the moratorium on loan repayments and other services such as electricity will be extended.

On Saturday, May 13 he reiterated statements by health authorities, which indicated that currently 2,000 tests a day for the virus are being carried out, however, the ideal would be to perform about 4,000 per day.

Although there is no definite date for the Phase 3  reopening of economic activities, businesses are already preparing to start operations once authorization is given. According to the methodology announced by the  Health Ministry the phases would be reactivating every 15 days, but due to the increase in cases of COVID-19, it will now depend on the behavior of the virus.

Phase 3  includes the activities of retail and wholesale trade, car sales, private sector construction, , professional and administrative services.

At the close of this Saturday, June 13, there were 20, 059 accumulated cases and 429 deaths.