OPINION: Panama judges lack justice

WHILE the Public Ministry does its best to move forward with what appears to be the country’s largest investigations since the military ruled the country for more than 20 years, the judiciary seems united in being more interested in overthrowing the investigations, burying them and continuing the status quo that allows impunity. Those who committed the crimes are not the gorillas of before, they are people with access to resources that have allowed them to hide the proceeds of crime, under layers and layers of veils that make any  investigation complex, and it would be advisable for these judges to re-read the definition of complexity or that someone explains  it to them, if necessary, with drawings so they can see what is clearly obvious. But the truth is that it is very difficult to believe that they do not know, and the reason why we cannot do less than to suspect the intentions of these judges,  because whatever their motivation, justice is not one of them. That is more than clear to all of us. La Prensa, Oct 9