“Depressed” Panama needs moral judges, reform

PANAMA needs to guarantee the appointment – in December – of new judges of recognized experience, and moral solvency and reform its institutional framework,   to ensure solidity and independence of justice, while affirming the frontal struggle against corruption and impunity, “ says The Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture.

In a statement issued Sunday, November 19, the Chamber also suggested the removal of  bureaucratic hurdles “that now discourage investments capable of enhancing all our competitive advantages”

The chamber pointed out that while the economy of Panama will register this year one of the strongest estimated growths in the region –

of approximately 5.2% – by sectors linked to international trade such as the Panama  Canal, seaports and airports trade in general, industry and agricultural sector remains “depressed”.

It recommends that it is necessary “as a priority” to evaluate the most recent Index of Global Competitiveness of the Global Economic Forum.

“This international measurement clearly indicates the route to be followed.