Double dipping while others beg

While much of the country goes through unthinkable financial sacrifices, a privileged group of elected officials enjoys juicy double wages. Generosity with the funds of all Panamanians was established in Law 37 of 2009, allowing representatives of the corregimiento, councilmen and mayors to maintain the full salary of any government institution in which they had worked, through the mechanism of paid leave. . At least half of the mayors with this benefit are current members of the ruling party.

This impudence could be ended soon if the deputies gave their support to the legislative proposal presented this week. In this way, a perverse injustice that insults the large number of unemployed citizens, many without receiving the digital voucher or the food bag, would be ended.

The pandemic is already forecast to raise the unemployment rate to 15% or 20% of the economically active population, implying that some 400,000 Panamanians could be out of work. For this reason, more than ever, decency in government actions and in the regulations that govern us is an element that must shine throughout our legislation and in each of the public servants. – LA PRENSA July 5