Environment Ministry firing heading to court

PANAMA’S  Environment Ministry, already facing a storm of protests over concerns of developments in protected areas. Is now being hit with  a flood of legal challenges from a fired employee

The Secretary-General of the Ministry (Miambiente) Felix Wing, presented on  Wednesday,  November 29 four Amparo constitutional guarantees before the plenary of the Supreme Court (CSJ) against orders issued by Minister, Emilio Sempris.

Among the orders given by Sempris were those to prohibit him from entering the building of Membiente, changing the locks of his office, canceling his email account and removing his official vehicle.

Another was asking five trusted officials, to resign, as well as moving and waiving eight directors and heads of office.

Wing also filed a criminal complaint against Minister Sempris and 10 others

officials of his inner  circle (including his secretary general manager, heads of legal advice, human resources, security and transport and his network administrator), for 25 crimes, among which he mentioned the violation of the workplace, correspondence, computer security, among others.

The Environment Minister on Monday, November 27 asked Wing to immediately present his resignation from office “as he has lost confidence in the exercise of his functions and performances “.

In the letter, dated November 24, 2017, he said that “Under the unusual and regrettable events recorded during the last weeks, including during the time of your leave and vacation … I find the need to intervene responsibly in this matter, safeguarding the institutional image of the Ministry.”