Authority abuse gets ex-tax collector jail time

LUIS CUCALÓN,  former   Director of Panama’s tax collecting authority (DGI) has been sentenced to two years in prison for abuse of authority to the detriment of the Digicel telephone company.

The Public  Ministry (MP)   said that Cucalón – took advantage of an abbreviated hearing and gained  a third reduction of the penalty, leaving 16 months to be served.

T he investigation began with a complaint filed by the current  Director General of Revenue in April, 2015, regarding a possible abuse of authority, over the seizing of property and real estate of  Digicel., in the amount of $141,592,827.05, says the MP.

Also in his capacity as director of the former ANIP, he ordered the arrest and detention of an executive of Digicel. without having the competence to do so.

Cucalón is awaiting trial in another case over  the theft of scores of millions of dollars involving  the ex-president Ricardo Martinelli and members of his inner circle.

He gained notoriety when supposedly in preventive detention, he spent two years in  Punta Pacific Hospital