Borders with Canada and Mexico stay closed as US struggles  with virus

The United  States borders with Canada an Mexico will remain closed for most trips at least until August 20 said Thursday said Secretary of Homeland Security (DHS), Chad Wolf, on Thursday, July 16 as the country struggles to stem the spread of COVID-19 which in some states is out of control.

Wolf, who is in office on an interim basis, confirmed this week’s reports that Canada would maintain the closure, saying Washington renewed a closure that has been going on for four months.

The epidemic has left over  138,000 dead and on Wednesday the country again broke a record of infections with 67,632 new cases in one day.

DHS will “continue to limit non-essential travel at our land ports of entry with Canada and Mexico until August 20,” Wolf announced in a tweet.

In Canada, authorities in several provinces have spoken out against opening the border with the US  United States to prevent an increase in cases.

Canada registers more than 8,800 deaths and 108,000 confirmed cases, and Mexico exceeded

317,000 infections with nearly 37,000 deaths.