First hantavirus death sets health team in motion

The year’s first death from hantavirus was confirmed by health authorities of Los Santos on Monday  morning, Jan.29.

He was a 62-year old man who showed the first symptoms on January 22.   He  was treated at the rural hospital in Tonosí and on January 26, he was transferred to  Las Tablas  Hospital Joaquín Pablo Franco Sayas with “respiratory difficulty,”

The Ministry of Health says vector personnel have been mobilized to the perimeter where the patient lived to monitor the conditions of his home.

Starting Tuesday, January 30, an interdisciplinary Public Health team will perform a sweep across the Tonosí district says regional Ministry of Health director Grman Solis.

Health authorities are expecting an increase in the number of hantavirus cases this year, due to the large grain production and other items in the district of Tonosí.