Martinelli bail in or out of cell?

Miami prosecutors are appealing the decision of  Miami Judge Marcia Cooke to grant ex-president Ricardo Martinelli bail on payment of $1 million cash, but there are conflicting views on whether or not he will immediately leave the cell he has occupied for eight months.

Martinelli’s lawyer Sidney Sitton told Panama America that the judge had recognized high possibilities that the  Atlanta Court of Appeals would grant a  Habeas Corpus and revoke Martinelli’s extradition.

Sitton who informed Martinelli about the decision of his release on bail indicated that the request for emergency suspension of the bail order that

the Prosecutor’s Office will ask, does not suspend the freedom of Martinelli.

Panama’s  Foreign Ministry issued a statement that the prosecution appeal would suspend bail granted by Judge Cooke until the appeal was filed with the Court of Cassation of Atlanta circuit.