Canal bridge contract snails progress

Proposals for the award of the fourth Panama bridge are 10 months behind in spite of an October 2017 promise by    Juan Carlos Varela said that the order to proceed would be delivered in January this year and construction would start, in March.

A new future for Arriajan dwellers

On October 4, four groups applied to get the billion dollar contract. The type of bid selected by the Ministry of Public Works (MOP) is for the best valuewith separate evaluation, which hides the reference price.

It is the same corruption tainted  scheme used by the last administration to contract line 1 of the Metro,

the third phase of the coastal belt and the majority of major road projects, awarded in many cases to Odebrecht and that, subsequently, have been audited and investigated to supposedly,  end acts of corruption reports La Prensa.

Despite the questions and legal proposals to change the model of contracting, the current Government used it for the second line of the Metro, also awarded to the Odebrecht-FCC consortium.