Fractured pipe means more water cuts

SOME SECTORS  of Panama city center will be once again without drinking water service for up to six hours on Tuesday, February 27   and again on Wednesday as the water and sewer authority (IDAAN) continues with repair work on a fractured 30-inch pipe in Via Brazil.

The pipe suffered a break on  Thursday, February 22. Idaan reported that the special projects unit will reinforce and proceed to the final repair of the line on which a clamp was placed – during the earlier repair activity.

The new work consists of water welding by the personnel of the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) and Idaan.

“For this, it will be necessary to close the 54-inch line in San Miguelito. It will take place at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday February 27 to 2p.m. on Wednesday, drain the lines and start the welding works “, said Idaan. The authority estimates that the welding work may take approximately six hours. “Once it is finished, the line will be opened gradually until the stabilization of the system,” said the bulletin.