Paitilla residents seek action on wayward constructions

RESIDENTS   of Paitilla in the district of  San Francisco appeared before the Municipal Council of Panama on Tuesday, March 20 to demand the suspension of construction of one project and asked that the occupancy permit not be issued for another.

Both projects are on Calle  Winston Churchill, but in spite of strong presentations, the petitioners did not get the forceful action they were seeking. Reports La Prensa.

They wanted work suspended on PH The Towers and In addition, the occupancy permit be not issued for the PH Delux Residences,

Gonzalo de la Guardia, resident of PH Anagloria, said that for three years the social area of the building in which he resides was affected because the two properties in question have not complied with the safety standards for the development of these types of projects.

“Cement, steel rods, stones, among other blunt objects, have fallen from the top of buildings under construction, “de la Guardia said.

He added that  report from the National Civil Protection System (Sinaproc), in October of last year, which lists several irregularities and notes that: “If security measures are not taken for this case, there is a risk of registering material damages materials and, in the worst case, the loss of human lives “.

The members of the Municipal Council recommended not issuing the permit occupation for the PH Delux Residences until they indemnify the tenants of the Anagloria building and correct the damage caused.

The councilors asked Sinaproc to update the report made last October to determine if the inconsistencies found initially in the PH The Towers remain or have been corrected and then determine if the work can or cannot be suspended.

The residents left disappointed as they were looking for the city to adopt a more forceful position