Jailed corrupted judge gets supervised release

A former president of Panama’s Supreme Court, jailed for five years for unjustified enrichment  and falsifying documents, has been granted “supervised release”  and offered a  Job as an advisor in his own legal firm

Judge of compliance Erika de Berroa granted the release Thursday, March 22, to  Alejandro Moncada Luna, who has sought release on medical grounds.

During his investigation by The National Assembly, the former judge was a no-show at a hearing and produced a disability certificate from a heart specialist who had not examined him.

Thursday’s hearing was held at the offices of the accusatory criminal system, in Plaza Ágora.

Lawyer Ramiro Jarvis said that his client has an offer as a legal advisor in matters of administrative litigation In making her decision known, the compliance judge emphasized that Moncada Luna must comply with the promise of work that was offered. He also applied a measure of impediment to exit the country, z prohibition to carry weapons, and he  cannot abuse the consumption of alcoholic beverages or drugs and must maintain good social behavior

In addition, the law firm for which Moncada Luna will work must send a report every month about his attendance.

The judge ordered immediate probation, and Moncada Luna will be transferred to his residence in of Bethanie. Compliance prosecutor Jacinto Enrique Pérez asked for the establishment of mechanisms to certify that the ex-magistrate will comply with his work schedule.

Moncada Luna arrived at the audience room walking with a cane and wearing a jacket without a tie and guarded by police officers, reports La Prensa.