OPINION:Panama’s Apathy

Tens of thousands have been on the streets of Nicaragua over government changes to social security, leading to the deaths of at least 24 demonstrators.

Panama faced with another major Social Security scandal, robbing citizens of benefits; .ongoing corruption in business and government; a tainted judiciary and self-serving politicians could rally only a handful of citizens in Plaza 5 de Mayo on Sunday, April 22, to call for change.

The small but vociferous group were  calling  for no  reelection of representatives, mayors and deputies of the country who have participated in irregular acts, which covers a large swathe

“No to reelection!” shouted the participants, who brought banners and a megaphone and included law students, environmentalists, professionals and Presidential aspirants Miguel Antonio Bernal and Ana Elena Porras.

They want “the non-re-election of every politician who has promoted or carried out”clientelism unethical or criminal acts.

Few passers-by stopped to listen, and expat Nicaraguans gathering in another part of the city in support of their countryfolk attracted more attention.

Meanwhile, the country’s three major political parties with their hands closest to the cookie jar are each celebrating the registration of more followers, hoping to pick up some of the crumbs.