Israel and Panama said to share common values

JUST 48 hours after the opening of the US Embassy in Jerusalem and the Gaza protests where 62 Palestinian demonstrators were shot and killed and some 2,000 more injured,  Panama President Juan Carlos Varela and First Lady  Lorena Castillo were welcomed by  Israeli President  Reuven Rivlin who said that the two countries share common values.

Red carpet treatment

According to Varela, they talked about the strengthening of bilateral relations and benefits that these will bring for Panama and Israel.

Panama’s president has already announced that the country’s embassy will not be leaving Tel Aviv.

In his official Twitter account, Varela said his visit to Jerusalem seeks to “strengthen ties in trade, education, security, agriculture, water, and technology “.

Rivlin on his Twitter account said that Panama is a close friend of  Israel and one of the first countries to recognize it as a nation.

Many countries have called for an independent investigation into the Gaza events.