OPINION: Opening the door to populism

When we thought that everything was already known about the scandals in the National Assembly National, the hare jumps … again.

A concomitant audit carried out by the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic to form 080 revealed that a group of appointments had no support and the suspension of payments was ordered.

The 11 deputies responsible for this beauty belong to all the parties, and they include the brother of the President. It is for these, and surely for other irregularities, that the Assembly resists a forensic audit by the Comptroller’s Office.

If the deputies see a political conspiracy against them in each audit ordered by the comptroller, what can we citizens think about the facts that motivate them? As the deputies say: one plus one is two. There is no excuse for a deputy to administer funds or have a spreadsheet at his disposal. That epidemic of opacity and lack of accountability weakens institutions and opens the door to populism. The political class has increased the ethical debt of democracy; early or late that account will have to be paid. LA PRENSA, May 29.