OPINION: Time to act on Nicaragua killings

According to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Government and paramilitary repression in Nicaragua have caused  212 deaths. While

President Daniel Ortega maintains his offer of a feigned dialogue, one of those that are designed to not to agree on anything,  the hosts have been dedicated to the persecution of their fellow Nicaraguans more implacable than the people have known since the times of the Somoza dictatorship. The victims of repression have been murdered at will, by snipers or with heavy gauge weapons.

The young protagonists of the protests in the different cities and towns have been subjected to the type of torture that characterizes the regime : systematic beatings, food deprivation, confinement of political detainees with those deprived of liberty for serious or violent crimes, and endless practices that show that the Ortega regime had these dungeons and military squads prepared before the crisis. The house of cards of the second Sandinista government has fallen. The pact of no aggression with businessmen only served as a marriage of convenience until the tyranny and ineptitude of the Government put the population against it. Nicaragua can become another impasse, like Venezuela and we already know the consequences of that script. It is time to act … LA PRENSA. June 23