Wannabe president candidate raises flag for “boss” Martinelli

A wannabe presidential candidate facing at least a trio of major corruption trials, including money laundering says that former President Ricardo Martinelli “deserves to be tried in other courts because he is not part of the Central American Parliament. “

Riccardo Francolini, former who as chairman of the board of the State Savings Bank (Caja de Ahorros), referred to his former   business associate as The boss” is currently out of jail  on bail,  made  his comments  on Saturday July 7 at a meeting  with supporters and members of Cambio Democratico (CD) in the Province of Chiriqui.

The Plenary of the Supreme Court will hold an extraordinary session on Wednesday, July 11 to discuss the admission or otherwise of the protection of constitutional guarantees brought by the defense of the former president, who is being held in El Renacer prison.

If the action is admitted, the Supreme Court will then have to define if Martinelli remains under its jurisdiction after having resigned from the Central American Parliament.

The action presented by Martinelli is against a decision issued by the magistrate of Guarantees, Jerónimo Mejía, in the audience held on June 25, in the illegal wiretapping  case