Martinelli seeks return to power with new party

Former President Ricardo Martinelli’s latest attempt to rebuild his political power base, which fell apart as the CD party he founded, funded and led, split apart, resumed at the Electoral Tribunal on Monday with the procedures for the formation of the “Realizing Goals” political party.

When the TE restarted the services for processes for pending political parties,  closed since March by the Covid-19 pandemic, his legal team was first in line to present the corrected requirements and continue with the collective formation process.

In  February, the Tribunal did not endorse the request for the formation of the new party and asked the former ruler, among other things, to change the name of the group, which was previously called “Los Martinellistas”.

Spokesman  Luis Eduardo Camacho, went to the Court’s headquarters with a group of lawyers, explained that they requested the reactivation of the procedures in search of the start of the signature collection process.

“We are in the stage of presentation of requirements,” he explained and said he was sure that when the TE endorsed the delivery of books they will be able to collect the 39,296 signatures that will consolidate the new political party. The corrected documents must be reviewed and if they are in order, published in a newspaper with national circulation and the Electoral Bulletin.

The former president, his relatives and supporters left Cambio Democrático (CD) due to differences with the members of the board led by Rómulo Roux .

Since CD was created in May 1998, Martinelli had been its sole president. This changed on January 21, 2018, when Roux won the leadership.