Lawmakers discuss driving limited by plate number

Before  Panama capital city moves back from traffic mobility restrictions to the old normal of daily traffic jams and air pollution, lawmakers are promoting a bill that will limit the circulation of private vehicles in the provinces of Panama and West Panama according to the license plate number.

Deputy Víctor Castillo, secretary of the  National Assembly’s Communication and Transportation Commission of the National Assembly, said that in this time of pandemic it has been possible to experience relief from vehicular traffic, especially in the capital and says that it is time for the project to be discussed so that that car will transit by license plate number: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, plates with even numbers; and Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays with odd numbers.

According to Castillo, there are 1.5 million vehicles in the country and 75% circulate in Panama and Panama Oeste. “At this time of pandemic we have seen the streets empty and it has helped us not have the stress of traffic jams,” he said.

Public and selective transport would be excluded.