OPINION: Your sin will find you out

It is a mystery why the Cortizo government authorities insist on reducing credibility and trust. Something as simple as leading by example would have made all the difference in managing the health crisis. The parties sponsored by public servants, the occasional banquets denounced by the population, and the breach of sanitary restrictions, exhausted citizens’ patience. This, added to the perception of rampant corruption in the awarding of the modular hospital, the purchase of ventilators and a questioned logistics tender from the Social Security Fund, drove stakes in the government’s image. Wake up, ladies and gentlemen of the public administration! We live in the 21st century and communication makes everything known, sooner or later.

The media and digital sites, citizen activists and spontaneous protesters are not adversaries of the president. Its true enemies are in the institutions of government; They are those who believe that they do not have to comply with the law and that 10 years away from office are justification. Be very careful, that way we can lose democracy.LA PRENSA, Aug.29

SEE ALSO: Latest curfew busting party