OPINION: Trains vs water, health, education

At the beginning of  November, the feasibility study on the railway project that would unite the city of Panama with the one of David will be delivered. The idea is that a passenger and cargo train traveling at 160 kilometers per hour will cover the 450 kilometers between the two points in less than 3 hours. This project must be considered with the criteria of a State initiative, which transcends the presidential term of a government, and, therefore, must be analyzed very carefully. Currently, Line 1 of the Panama Metro has required $40 million in subsidies to operate in recent years. How much would the subsidy for the Panama-David train be? There are multiple national priorities, such as drinking water, education, health, social security, and others, which could well use the funds that would be used to build this railway, which could cost as much or more than the expansion of the Canal China is developing a high-port super port in El Salvador, presumably to facilitate the movement of Central American cargo. A railway project of the magnitude for Panama is a commitment of several generations. Let’s act with wisdom. – LA PRENSA, Sep 21