Transparency challenge to presidential candidates

(The  Foundation for the Development of Citizen Liberty,  The, Panamanian arm of Transparency International (TI)  has launched a transparency challenge to the flock of   candidates, seeking to  move into the presidential palace in 2019

The challenge  was laid down on Sunday  November 9   and calls on  them to include among their government plans 2019-2024 a “minimum” of specific commitments to improve transparency and accountability of public administration in priority areas: prevention of conflicts of interest and laws for transparency, allocations of budget items, public procurement, commitment to justice, access to information

According to the agenda, during the month of January 2019, candidates and campaign teams will be invited to meet with organized civil society to present their government plans and strategies to combat corruption.

Then, on January 29, 2019, when the Corruption Perception Index of Transparency International is announced, presidential candidates will be invited to accept the challenge, so that they “publicly” commit to transparency with specific content.