Drive-in Movie Theaters Returning to Panama

Drive-in movie theaters,  which reached their peak in the early 1960s will be returning to Panama with three sites scheduled to open in October.

They will be located in Costa del Este, Isla Perico, and Market Plaza in Costa Verde, and next year it is expected that others will  open in  the interior of the country.

Pablo Troncoso, general producer of Autocinema told El Siglo that the client who wishes to use this service has to download an application (App) that will be used to buy tickets and meals that will be distributed by the staff of the place.

Up to four people can enter per car for a $20 entry fee per vehicle. For   two people the price will be $15 dollars,

Troncoso said that more than $300,000 have been invested in this project, using high-tech while projection equipment and screens.

Drive-in live performances have been staged in many European cities and US presidential candidate has used the format for campaigning