Ex-minister claims political kidnap and media feast

The AntiCorruption Prosecutor’s Office was “complicit” in a “political kidnapping” with the objective of “ending me politically said former Minister of Social Development   Guillermo Ferrufino, on Wednesday, February 27.

Ferrufino who has been under investigation in multiple cases was reacting  to the decision of the  Supreme Court to order the final closure of the process followed by the  Public Prosecutor to the businessman Fotis Lymberópulos for the alleged commission of embezzlement and corruption , related to the rental of helicopters by his to the  Ministry in the last administration.

“Not only did they affect me as a person, but they orchestrated a media feast in which they tried to tarnish and destroy my reputation, ” he said in a statement posted on social media.

The Supreme Court of Justice rejected an Amparo filed by e anticorruption prosecutor Javier Miter, in charge of the process.

The plenary session of the Court, with a presentation by magistrate Luis Ramón Fábrega, determined that the investigation did not show any violation of the Constitution by the Second Court. He noted that the audit that was presented by the prosecution as evidence did not provide sufficient evidence to prove the possible commission of the crimes attributed to Lymberópulos.

Ferrufino is seeking election as a deputy for the CD   Party.

He is currently forbidden from leaving the Panama West province after being charged with impaired driving in Chiriqui while under house arrest.