Court asks lifting of  ex-minister’s  protection

The Sixteenth Criminal Court has asked the  Electoral Tribunal (TE) to lift the electoral protection of Giselle Burillo a former cabinet minister charged with embezzlement. The jurisdiction protects candidates running for office, from prosecution until 15 days after the election. Burillo . is a candidate for deputy of the Central American Parliament (Parlacen), for Cambio Democrático (CD).

Ricardo Martinelli, during his presidential election campaign, described  Parlacen as a “den of thieves”, populated by those avoiding justice. 

The court ’s request is for the trial Burillo faces for the alleged commission of a $1.2 million offense against the public administration to the detriment of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Authority (Ampyme) which she headed.

The magistrate rapporteur of the TE, to resolve the request for lifting of jurisdiction, is Heriberto Araúz. 

On March 7, sixteenth judge Enrique Pérez agreed to a request from defense attorney Carlos Carrillo to postpone the ordinary hearing scheduled for March 11 to 19, 2019, against Burillo.  This hearing will be held on the alternate date of April 8 to April 16, 2019.