New car sales predicted to rise 25% in 2021

New car sales are expected to grow 25% to 30,000    this year according to the incoming president of the Automobile Dealers of Panama (ADAP), Anthony Salerno.

During the inauguration, in a virtual activity, Salerno was sworn in by the outgoing president Gustavo De Luca and acknowledged that 2020 was a difficult year due to ther pandemic.

In 2020, 24,091 new vehicles were registered, according to ADAP, a figure that is equivalent to practically half (49.7% less) of the 47,866 new cars registered in 2019.

Salerno, who is the president and CEO of Bahía Motors, said that together with the group of businessmen who will accompany him, he will provide continuity to the plans and strategies that were initiated by the outgoing president and the board of directors last year.

He highlighted the support for the National Electric Mobility Strategy, which will allow a significant reduction in carbon gas emissions and continue to guarantee responsible operations in strict compliance with biosafety protocols to ensure healthy environments for employees and customers.