Panama near bottom in world ranking of pandemic response

AFP Panama is ranked 92 in a list of 98 countries measured by Australia’s    Lowy Institute, on the management of 98 countries in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, the worst country was Brazil 92 .

Those responsible for making the list asked themselves the question: What impact have geography, political systems, population size and economic development had on the results of Covid-19 around the world?

Brazil would be the country that managed the health crisis the worst, , the AFP agency reported on Thursday, January 28.

Panama, Mexico, and Colombia accompany Brazil in the last places of that qualification, which puts New Zealand in the number one position.

According to Chile’s CNN , New Zealand tops the list with its early border closures, confinements and diagnostic tests, which have practically led the oceanic country to eradicate the virus.

New Zealand “has acted forcefully since the beginning of the pandemic, which has allowed it to keep the accumulated cases at about 2,300, including 25 deaths.”

New Zealand this week detected its first three Covid-19 infections since November 18.

In the ranking of the top ten that follow New Zealand, Vietnam, Taiwan, Thailand, Cyprus, Rwanda, Iceland, Australia, Latvia, and Sri Lanka.

According to this study published in Sydney, the United States would have handled the crisis worse than Panama, since it ranks 94th out of 98 countries.

The study compares the response of 98 governments to the health crisis in the 36 weeks following their 100th confirmed case of Covid-19.

For this, criteria were also considered, such as the number of deaths and detection capacity, according to CNN de Chile .



