Violence against women protest adapts Chilean anthem

Hundreds of women gathered on Panama’s Cinta Costera  on Friday, December 6, and in spite of the rain, with black bands covering their eyes, they   gave voice and choreography  to a women’s rights song that originated in Chile less than a month ago and has already been taken up in cities around the world.

“The idea of making the Panamanian version is the same reason that it has arisen in other countries. As United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon the said in 2008: here is a universal truth, applicable in all countries, cultures and communities: violence against women should never be acceptable, should never be forgivable, should never be tolerable,”says Gaby Gnazzo, a human rights activist, and one of the organizers of the activity.

The campaign comes at a time when, according to the Public Ministry, 5,500 crimes against sexual freedom and integrity were reported in the country, between January and October of this year and at a time when a lawmaker is prosecuted for alleged sexual assault and there are penalty agreements between judicial authorities and rapists.

Visual artist Ana Sofía Carmargo said they adapted the Chilean campaign to the social context of Panama. The original song says: “They are the pacos, the judges, the State, the President.” The one in Panama  talks about “police, deputies, judges.”

“This not only speaks of the rapes that occur in the street, at the grandmother’s house, but about how the State systematically revictimizes the victim of an event of rape, domestic violence, sexual abuse, and  do  not believe her   ”added the artist,

The  anthem and choreography was born in Valparaíso, Chile, on November 25, the day that the World Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women was commemorated. From that moment the chorus And the fault was not mine, or where I was, or how I dressed”, “the rapist is you” became unstoppable.