Consumer Protection body rules in favor of customer 1.156 times

Panama’s Consumer Protection  Authority (ACADECO) ruled in favor of the consumer 1,156  times last year in transactions valued at $13,796,821.90.

The total number of complaints filed represented a value of $35,373,689.83.

“The breach of guarantee, lack of information and abusive clauses are the main reasons for claims that were presented by consumers,” says the entity.

The statistics of the complaints and conciliation departments that of the 1,897 complaints 498 were for breach of guarantees ($ 1,726,706.12); in 462, lack of information was argued ($ ,923,876.10), 239 cases of abusive clauses ($25,666,812.02), the latter being the claim that represented the highest value.

The report specified that 148 complaints were attended for non-compliance with the service for an amount of $375,566.10.

The real estate sector was the one that had the most complaints in 2020 with 414. Then came the sale of household appliances and electronic equipment with 158. Complaints against private schools were 120, in cell phone sales there were 111 and against hotels and vacation plans 106.

There were 102 disagreements for the cable television service and 92 complaints against department stores.