Gun toting mol gets plea deal, seeks community work

A video circulated on social networks on the last day of Carnival that showed Dagney Yineth Ryfkogel Oquendo, 29 who, when arrested by National Police agents on the bridge of the Americas, took a gun from her shorts and threw it over the railings.

Before being handcuffed, she threw herself self on the ground and began to writhe provocatively in front of the officers. Meanwhile, they arrested several men traveling with her to Panama City.

Ryfkogel Oquendo already had a criminal record. She was investigated for armed robbery, and e was acquitted.but while in detention she escaped from jail, and was convicted of evasion.

Despite this background,  reports La Prensa, prosecutor Xochilt Castillo and defender Raymundo González agreed to a penalty deal and were sentenced to 50 months in jail, as well as a ban on carrying weapons once the sentence is served.

According to Castillo, the weapon was found and belonged to a 27-year-old man who was traveling with her in the vehicle. He is investigated for the alleged illegal possession and trafficking of weapons and explosives.

At a hearing on February 26, the woman accepted the crimes of concealment and obstruction of the work of a public servant and requested that the penalty be replaced by community work, a request that the Public Ministry did not oppose.

The request, however, was denied, because her lawyer did not specify where she would do the work. In the afternoon of yesterday, the judge of guarantees Tulia Morelos denied  the petition for the second because the defense did not present documents such as the endorsement of the health center of El Chorrillo Health  Center , where she intended to serve her sentence doing community work