Seized jet has navigation problems

The private jet of former President Ricardo Martinelli seized in Guatemala on Friday at the request of the United States while transporting the former  first lady to visit her sons in a military prison is still sitting on the runway as it did not meet navigation requirements, the Guatemalan Public Ministry reported.


While under the order of the Narcoactivity Crimes Prosecutor’s Office as part of the seizure procedure, a routine inspection was made, which did not reveal any abnormalities. It was found, among other things, that inside the plane there were no traces of drugs nor was it used – at least on that journey – to transport illicit goods.

As part of the inspection, it was determined that the plane does not meet certain navigation requirements and, therefore, was immobilized in La Aurora and without the possibility of flying again or being transferred to another airport or country. What those requirements are were not specified.

The seizure ook place on Friday, February 26, at La Aurora airport, with the support of the National Civil Police of the General Sub-Directorate for Analysis of Anti-narcotics Information.

The seizure would have been requested by the United States Department of Commerce, for alleged export violations.

The aircraft, with a capacity for 15 passengers and acquired in 2005, is registered to the Bank of Utah Trustee, of Salt Lake City.

It is the same plane that the former president’s children intended to board in La Aurora, on July 6, 2020, when they were captured, in response to an extradition request from the United States.

Ricardo Alberto and Luis Enrique Martinelli Linares have since been detained in a military prison in Guatemala, waiting for their extradition to be determined.