Foreign Ministry washes hands of ex-oresident extradition tangle

The Director of International Legal Affairs and Treaties of the  Foreign Ministry of  Vladimir Franco, says that “at no time has he issued an opinion regarding whether or not the principle of specialty remains in force in the case of former president  Ricardo Martinelli.

“The Directorate of International Legal Affairs and Treaties of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has no legal authority or competence to determine the scope, interpretation or application of the norms contained in a treaty to a supposed particular event ventilated in the Panamanian jurisdiction,” says a  Ministry statement.

Foreign Relations indicated that this function must be carried out by the authorities of the Public Ministry and the judicial body.

The statement responded to a request for certification from Martinelli’s legal representatives regarding “whether within the file containing his extradition there was official documentation where his delivery to the Panamanian State was reported and that he was protected by the principle of specialty at the time of his extradition. “

The statement makes it clear that the Directorate of International Legal Affairs and Treaties of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “is only the conduit to channel the communications that occur between the competent authorities of both governments, regarding the extradition process.”