Passports issued to fugitive brothers

The Panama government of Laurentino Cortizo, through its consulate in Miami, issued passports to the fugitive sons of former president Ricardo Martinelli  while warrants for their arrest to face trial in the Odebrecht and Blue Apple cases were still in force.

The Panama Passport Authority (APAP), issued the passports in January and February t to Ricardo Alberto and Luis Enrique Martinelli Linares respectively, despite the fact that At that time, an Interpol  Red Alert for their arrest was in place.

It was not until March that the Second Court of Justice granted bail of $2 million each for the Odebrecht case.

Luis Enrique Martinelli posted the bond on June 22, and a day later the Third Court of Criminal Cases, requested the Directorate of Judicial Investigation to rescind the arrest warrant for hia arrest ., Ricardo Alberto posted his bond on July 7 the day of his arrest in Guatemala.

La Prensa reports that it consulted Ricardo Gaitán , consul in Miami, on the subject. and the office responded that as a consulate, they receive “all Panamanians” who request any documentation or service.

The brothers are currently behinf bars in a Guatemala  prison awaiting extradition hearings.