24 COVID-19 deaths in one day raise total to 863

With  24 deaths in 24 hours  the Panama total of Covid-19 fatal victims  climbed to 863 and 1,040 new cases on Friday, July 10,  brought the total infected to date  43,257  of which 21,426 have “recovered” but many with long term effects.

There are currently  20,968 active cases  with 19,193 in home isolation and 656 in hotels.

Hospitalized patients total 1,119 with  160 in intensive care.

To date 158,669 tests  have been applied (46,262 positive and 112,407 negative). 3,064 tests were

performed this Friday, with a positivity rate of 34%.

Contagions are concentrated in the age ranges of 20 to 39 years (18,855), 40 to 59 years (13,695)

and 60 to 79 years (4,613).