Tourism authority seeks lifting of quarantine for tourists

When the ban on commercial flights is lifted Panama’s  Tourism Authority (ATP) wants the health authorities to eliminate the mandatory 14-day quarantine that Panamanians and resident foreigners currently must comply with when arriving through the Tocumen International Airport using the mini-hub” of controlled operations.

The Association of Airlines in Panama (ALAP) has recommended to the Government to implement technological traceability systems to know the contacts of the people who enter the country and not require the PCR test or mandatory quarantine since these requirements could further affect the recovery of passenger demand to Panama.

The National Tourism Council (CNT) authorized the ATP administrator, Iván Eskildsen, to propose to the Government a plan for the gradual opening of the tourism sector closed since March by the pandemic.

The main objective of the gradual opening plan at the request of the CNT must have specific dates, now that the Government has put aside the reactivation plan made up of 6 blocks and is inclined to release commercial activities as happened last week when it allowed the opening. of beauty salons, ND car sales agencies, among others.

Jorge García Icaza, president of the CNT, commented that “to reactivate tourism it is urgent to set a date for the total reopening of airports as soon as possible since airlines need accurate information to organize their commercial routes.”

On Friday, the Civil Aviation Authority again extended the suspension on commercial flights, setting the opening date of Tocumen for September 23. The airlines and the tourism sector continue to wait for the Ministry of Health to approve the protocols that the air terminals in Panama must comply with in order to avoid the contagion of coronavirus.

Currently  passengers using the “mini connection hub” must wear masks at all times when arriving at the airport and inside the aircraft, in addition to completing the online registration process.