Trump puts scare into American voters

On Wednesday, September 23  President Donald Trump refused to say if he would commit to a peaceful transfer of power if he loses the November election reports BuzzfeedNews

“We’re going to have to see what happens,” the president said at a White House press conference. “I’ve been complaining very strongly about the ballots and the ballots are a disaster. Get rid of the ballots and you’ll have a very peaceful— There won’t be a transfer, frankly. There’ll be a continuation.”

Because of the coronavirus, millions of Americans are expected to choose mail-in voting, which the president has been attacking for months using the courts and the media. Democrats and election observers fear Trump is attempting to sow distrust and confusion about the vote so he can question its integrity if he loses.

In July, Trump told Fox News, “You don’t know until you see. I think it depends. I think mail-in voting is going to rig the election.”