Bad day in court for former security bosses

Two former heads of  State security departments caught up in Operation Fury which led to their arrest for arms trafficking have suffered setbacks in the Supreme Court. Rolando López, former head of the National Security Council, and Frank Ábrego, former director of the National Border Service (Senafront) , suffered setbacks in different judicial instances in the framework of the case.

López was not granted constitutional guarantees by the Supreme Court, alleging that the guarantee judge Gloria González violated his guarantees by endorsing a raid on his residence, located in the province of Veraguas.

The Court said that the diligence included the location of firearms, cell phones, storage memories, and computers with information through which it could follow the trail of others involved in the alleged commission of the crime.

While the Court of Justice did not grant Ábrego a protection of guarantees against the decision of a guarantee judge who charged him in this case for the alleged commission of the crime of arms trafficking.

The investigation is in charge of Emeldo Márquez, of the Special Prosecutor’s Office against Organized Crime in addition to López and Ábrego, other former heads of public security organizations are being prosecuted.