Chiriqui moves on Costa Rica covid alert

As a preventive action and seeking to stop possible infections in an area with high traffic of national and foreign people, the governor of Chiriquí, Juan Carlos Muñoz Franceschi met on Monday with the regional directors of Health, Migration, Customs, and the National Border Service (Senafront) to coordinate actions with the merchants of Paso Canoa.

Jorge Gobea, head of the western area of ​​the Senafront, explained that the strategy will focus on permanent surveillance and monitoring, by the authorities and the security forces to comply with biosafety measures inside and outside business premises.

In addition, the timely identification of contagion risk factors and the immediate activation of mitigation mechanisms will be carried out, which will be presented to the Paso Canoas Chamber of Commerce, in a meeting, on Tuesday.

Gladys Novoa, regional director of the Ministry of Health, reported that the national standard is clear, every person who enters Panamanian territory must have a swab with a negative result, in less than 48 hours and adopt current sanitary and biosafety measures in Panama.

