President speaks out on lottery scandal

Panama President, Laurentino Cortizo, said on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, that the alleged irregularities within the National Charity Lottery (LNB) should be investigated.

Let everything be investigated,” said Cortizo r about the alleged anomalies in the returns of the tickets. To this was added another chapter: the contradictions in the process of payment of the prize of $1,400,000 of the Gordito draw in April. The Comptroller  General has ordered the suspension of the payout.

Two months ago the Public Ministry investigated alleged irregularities in the Lottery including the shredding of unsold tickets.

The LNB is under the control of Molirena, an ally of the Democratic Revolutionary Party. The general director of the LNB is Gloriela del Río.

The Superior Anti-Corruption Prosecutor of the Public Ministry (MP) carries out these investigations.

Attorney General Javier Caraballo confirmed that the investigation arose from anonymous complaints on social networks that reached the office of the Superior Anti-Corruption Prosecutor.