Sister of whistleblower fired from Lottery

Elvis Martínez, a former official of the National Charity Lottery who has given statements to the media about alleged irregularities in the collection of draws, confirmed on Friday during an interview on Radio Panama that his sister was fired from the entity.

Through a resolution of the Lottery, dated May 21, 2021, it is notified that the appointment of Elvia Martínez, with functions of secretary and a salary of $750 per month, is annulled. Although she has been appointed since 2015, Elvia Martínez held a position without “stability” recognized by law, according to the resolution ordering her immediate dismissal.

Elvis Martínez has made several statements to the media, based on the irregularities detected in the collection of the Gordito del Zodiaco last April. The anomalies are investigated by the Public Ministry, the National Authority for Transparency and Access to Information (Antai), and the Office of the Comptroller General.

Martínez, who worked in the Lottery’s IT Directorate and was also an advisor to the superior office in past administrations, recommended that the Comptroller’s Office (which has already ordered the suspension of the Gordito payment) to audit the entity’s computer systems.

The authorities are also investigating alleged irregularities in the collection of tickets and chances, which are returned as unsold.

The scandal emerged last week, due to contradictions about the payment process of the prize of  One million and four thousand dollars of the Gordito of the Zodiac in April.

The institution is under the direction of Gloriela Del Río, a member of Molirena, an ally of the ruling Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) reports La Prensa.