Illegal vaccination center raided

The Public Ministry and units of the National Police carried out raids on Tuesday, June 8 in the Coco Del Mar Suites building as part of an investigation for illegal Covid-19 vaccinations sparked by a La Prensa investigation.

They also raided the Vidatec clinical laboratory, on Calle 64, in the San Francisco district.

Earlier in the day President Cortizo reacted to illegal vaccination calling those who participated in the activity ‘stupid and gross’ who could be victims of a scam

The Vidatec and Cordón de Vida Specialized Clinical Laboratories issued a statement amid the scandal that surrounds them. They assure that ” they are not part of nor have they authorized any of their companies to carry out vaccination activities against covid-19 .”

The Minister of Health, Luis Francisco Sucre, went to the Public Ministry (MP) to file a complaint for the unauthorized vaccination.

According to Sucre, the Ministry does not know where the Pfizer vaccines come from that are applied – clandestinely – at the Coco del Mar Suites building, attended by personnel in Vidatec and Cordón de Vida uniforms. The director of the metropolitan region of Health, Israel Cedeño, even questioned that the vaccines are, in fact, from Pfizer.

Currently, the sale of anti-covid vaccines is prohibited. Pharmaceutical houses sell the product only to governments, not to private companies. In Panama, the vaccination is carried out directly by the Minsa, at no cost.

La Prensa report stated that Coco del Mar Suites charged up to $200 for the Pfizer vaccine. Only last Monday, June 7, at least 17 people went to the facilities to get vaccinated.