Former president and family circle got VIP vaccinations

Former PRD president Ernesto Pérez Balladares confirmed on Wednesday that he and his family circle joined the list of VIP vaccinations and were vaccinated at home.

The former president said he deserved such deference because “someone who served the country honestly should have some consideration” reports La Prensa.
The newspaper learned of the vaccination through a complaint made by a person who asked to keep his identity confidential. The source assured that the person who had authorized this procedure had been the Minister-Counselor Eyra Ruiz, who also directs the Panavac vaccination program.

When asked about it, Ruiz denied it, but, when questioned after the interview in which Pérez Balladares admitted that he was vaccinated at home, she, and that it was “humanly impossible” to be behind the 1,460,000doses applied “. and the nurses keep those records.

In the anonymous complaint that La Prensa received, it was explained that the former president was vaccinated along with his wife and more than 10 relatives. Asked about this, Pérez Balladares also confirmed that, he and his family circle were vaccinated before leaving for a trip to Turkey. He said he did not remember the exact date, although in networks it is known that he was traveling in mid-April