“New Business” case involving Martinelli moved to January

The Prosecutor’s Office Against Organized Crime suspended this Friday, the preliminary hearing of the New Business case, for alleged money laundering in the purchase of a media outlet now controlled by former president Ricardo Martinelli who is among the accused.

 The hearing would have be held in the Chamber of the Third Settlement Court, set up at the Balboa Theater; however, due to the lack of notification to one of the accused, it was suspended. until January 27, 2022, when the Public Ministry requests the call to trial the 26 people.

Through social networks, the Superior Prosecutor Against Organized Crime, Emeldo Márquez, reported due to an omission of the notification of one of the accused persons, the hearing act could not be continued, therefore it will continue with the alternate date that is for the month of January. Márquez added that they have prepared a strong theory of the case and were prepared to support it and ask for what corresponds in law.