HP Gang moll “La Patrona” back behind bars



Teresina Lineth Vigil Pérez, aka “La Patrona”,  accused of belonging to a drug-smuggling gang returned to preventive detention on Monday, February 7 after an appeals court revoked a house arrest order.

Vigil, sister of Elías Vigil —deputy for the opposition Panameñista Party—, was apprehended at the Tocumen International Airport on her return from Colombia, in December 2021, for her alleged link with the Humildad y Pureza (HP) gang, dedicated to drug trafficking and money laundering.

The 25-year-old was on the list of the most wanted by the National Police, for whom a reward of up to $70,000 was offered. In addition to the leaders of the group, they are looking for another 15 people. All this, within the actions of Operation Damascus.

The Specialized Prosecutor’s Office against Organized Crime, in coordination with agents of the National Police, carried out the “Damasco” operation on November 18, in which five people were arrested in the San Martín area, district of Panamá Este.

In the operation, Victoriano Aguilar Becerra, alias “Chichi”, brother of Carlos Roberto Aguilar Becerra, known as “Robert”, head of the criminal group Humildad y Pureza (HP), and husband of   La Patrona were captured.

Those involved, with alleged links to the Clan del Golfo, from Colombia, were in charge of receiving, guarding, and transferring drugs.