The Martinelli Dilemma of the Electoral Court


The Electoral Court (TE) faces a dilemma. The first scenario was its ruling in favor of Ricardo Martinelli, in which it revoked a first instance decision that granted the lifting of the criminal electoral jurisdiction to prosecute him for the New Business case, and, in addition, it delved into matters that were not within its competence, as the recognition of the principle of specialty in favor of the former president.

The second scenario is the same: an electoral court lifted Martinelli’s jurisdiction –now for the Odebrecht case–, a ruling that will surely be appealed so that the plenary session of the TE decides whether or not to revoke the sentence. What will the TE do? Insist on granting jurisdiction to this defendant, so that he cannot be judged, or allow criminal justice to do his job?

 It is a difficult decision since any alternative will generate criticism. The plenary session of the TE has the opportunity to correct errors and respect the right of the population to see those accused of receiving millions of dollars in bribes in the dock. Magistrates, respecting democracy does not only consist of organizing elections. Its actions, in this case, would define the course of our democracy. Act accordingly.  – LA PRENSA, Jul.3.