Decisions for political purposes reflected in growing mistrust – business chamber


Levels of mistrust that have not been seen since the harshest moments of the Covid-19 pandemic, in June 2020 following the lack of accurate actions and decisions for political purposes says  Panama’s Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture (Cciap) in its weekly newletter.

Taking as reference the latest report of the Panamanian Consumer Confidence Index, the Chamber highlights that “The fall is the cry of citizens in the face of a reality that does not give them hope of fulfilling basic objectives such as obtaining a job or saving. For the measurement of March 2022, four out of five Panamanians show distrust about their job stability and, therefore, the expectations about the probability of saving money are similar”.

The statement underlines that this mistrust is probably reflected in the organized street closures in order to demand the government’s attention to resolve demands on drinking water, decent aqueduct and sewage systems, street repairs, communication routes and education. quality.

The Chamber emphasizes that although the claims of these people are justified and require timely responses from the authorities, they also affect the rights of third parties.

“Neither the closures nor the inaction of the authorities is admissible. We have to act”.

It is recalled that the public sector and private companies have worked on actions to achieve socio-economic and sustainable development. In addition, this requires a prioritized and assertive public execution to obtain immediate results.

“The time of words is behind us. The consequences of inaction are already beginning to be reflected.”