Urban singer arrested to serve jail term for psychological abuse


The knock on the door in Nuevo Chorrillo, Arraiján district, Panama West came at two in the morning on Saturday for Urban music singer Yerik Emil Navarro Mosquera, better known as Yemil. When he answered he was confronted by units of the National Police  who arrested  him  to serve

75 months in prison (six years and three months) for a case of psychological violence against a former romantic partner.

In  July it was reported that the Trial Assistance Section of the Metropolitan Prosecutor’s Office obtained a sentence of 75 months in prison for Yemil for the crime of psychological violence. This was after the Superior Court of Appeals, admitted an appeal for annulment of sentence presented by the Public Ministry (MP), thus revoking the first instance sentence of 60 months in prison.

On its Twitter account, the MP detailed that on Saturday, after resolving a sentence review appeal, the Compliance Section of the Metropolitan area managed to get the Police to capture the singer