Pensioners and dialysis patients block streets and Assembly

A group of retirees and pensioners closed the access road to the National Assembly on Tuesday, April 18 to demand pension increases from the General State Budget and not from the Social Security fund and warn that they will continue to protest in the streets if they continue to be ignored by the authorities or until justice is done. They accuse the authorities of the loss of quality of life, in addition, that they require the supply of medicines, as well as covering other basic needs.

They say that if salaries are adjusted every two years, it should be fair that pensions and retirements receive adjustments, especially that in Law 51 of December 27, 2025, of the Organic Law of the CSS, article 192 considers that $10 every five years is to provide quality of life for the more than 200,000 who receive derisory pensions.

 Meanwhile dialysis patients blocked the Transístmica road in front of the Doctor Arnulfo Arias Madrid Hospital Complex for the second day forcing drivers to find alternative routes.